When you are midst of experiencing a fear response, either a slow creeping anxious feeling, or more of an instant panic, you are probably not thinking about your brain and it’s capacity to continually learn and relearn responses. Whether you are aware of it in that moment or not, your mind is constantly running programs based on past experiences in an effort to keep you safe, and thanks to your brain’s amazing neuroplasticity, you are capable of changing and relearning those patterns that don’t serve you.
Living with fear or anxiety like this can keep you from doing things that are important to you, can leave you feeling self conscious about not knowing when something will happen that will trigger you, and can leave you feeling like you are out of control of your life. Despite the fact that many in our society view still view these kinds of problems as a permanent condition to be worked around or accommodated for, hypnosis has been proven in many studies over the years to be a quick and effective way to create long term change for these patterns. My own experience with clients backs this up, and I absolutely love seeing the profound changes they experience in a short time working together.
There are a couple different kinds of fear responses that can be changed fairly easily through hypnosis. One type is when you are having more of a phobia like-response, where the fear is instant and overwhelming the moment you’re exposed to the thing you fear, which could be spiders, snakes, clowns, dogs, or really anything. The other type of fear is more like an anxiety where specific types of actions or situations make you feel gradually more and more uncomfortable, maybe something like the dentist, social situations, public speaking, getting rid of things you don’t need, or even just leaving the house. Hypnosis can help with both of these types of fear, as well as some coaching around self-directed neuroplasticity which is most useful for folks with patterns of feeling anxious.
Each session and program is tailored specifically to your needs and issues, so once I know a bit about your experience and what you want to change, I can give you a good idea what to expect from the process of working together to create that change. If you have a fear or anxiety that you are ready to change, contact me and schedule a free phone consultation today.