Do you have chronic pain or other chronic health issues that are getting in the way of your ability to live the way you would like to? If you have already seen a doctor, and done everything you can to improve the physical aspects of your issue, but are still struggling with symptoms you can’t control, hypnosis may be able to help you regain control of your life.
Hypnosis has a long and fascinating history of tapping into the healing and comforting power of our mind-body connection, going back thousands of years to the ancient sleep temples in Greece, Egypt, and India, and was even used as an anesthetic for major surgeries by James Esdaile in the mid 1800s.
In more modern times, studies show health benefits ranging from improved healing, faster recovery times, better pain management than drugs even for severe issues such as burn patients, improving outcomes with skin issues, improving digestive problems, and much more.
Thanks to all the latest research into our mind-body connection, we are beginning to understand more about the connections between chronic physical issues and emotional patterns we hold on to. Especially for chronic issues that have no remaining physical cause, nothing doctors can do to help, hypnosis is uniquely suited to help by resolving or improving any emotional or mental patterns that may be contributing to the condition.
Hypnosis also allows us greater access to our innate abilities to alter our perception of sensations, so that we can feel more comfortable even while living with a chronic issue.
Hypnosis is also helpful to improve a variety of issues that effect our health, such as eating habits, sleep, and reducing stress.
If you would like to learn more about how hypnosis can help with pain management and other wellness concerns, schedule a free phone consultation here.
Please note, I am NOT a medical professional. I do NOT diagnose, treat, or prescribe. I am only offering help with mental and emotional patterns. If you have an undiagnosed or untreated medical issue, please see a doctor first. Pain is primarily a warning system, and altering your perception of pain around an unresolved issue can be dangerous for your continued health, and I will not help you to do that if you have not already seen a doctor. However, if you have already done whatever is medically necessary, and still need help, please get in touch to find out more.