Core Confidence

Everyone struggles with confidence sometimes, and nearly all of us have room to improve. Confidence is a key issue that greatly impacts our social relationships, career success, and personal aspirations.

There are many subtle ways that low self-confidence affects us day to day, including these:

• It prompts us to immediately dismiss our ideas and potential plans, usually because we don’t think we’re capable or good enough in some way to do it, even before we try.

• It keeps us from even seeing opportunities that we believe to be “above us” or from seizing the ones we do see.

• It keeps us from putting ourselves in the public eye, from sharing our work, our skills, our perspectives, our art, and our stories, so that these things go unrecognized and unappreciated by default.

Because confidence is so fundamental to so many aspects of life, it’s not surprising that hypnotherapists have been using ego strengthening suggestions as a part of helping their clients to make changes for decades, and that alone can produce the clients desired life changes. I’ve personally had a single session shift my client’s entire outlook toward herself in an empowering way, and I’ve also personally experienced an incredible difference in the way I experience life from having used these tools on myself.

Because of all this, I see this as an important underlying issue for so many people, including those who wouldn’t ordinarily seek hypnotherapy for a specific life change, so I am passionate about making these tools more available and accessible to the many people who can benefit from feeling more confident in every area of life. That is why I have created this program.

My Core Confidence Program consists of 4 sessions, 60-90 minutes each, allowing us to cover a variety of aspects that impact confidence, and including instructions for quick and easy tools for you to use on your own whenever you need to.

The four sessions will cover:

• Clearing negativity: Discharging negative emotions and ideas, removing negative emotional charge from memories and releasing negative thought patterns relating to self-image

• Changing beliefs: removing the hold of limiting beliefs and installing more empowering ones in their place

• State control: tools to release negative feelings in the moment and to create resourceful positive states, improving day to day experience and driving neuroplasticity towards more positive patterns over time

•Accessing empowering resources: Building greater esteem and efficacy through enhancing and increasing access to inner resources

There are two options for experiencing the Core Confidence program:

4 individual weekly private sessions, completely tailored to you, including tools to use in between sessions. This option gives you more individual attention as well as more flexible scheduling options.


4 weekly small group sessions, tailored to individual needs as much as possible in a group setting, with groups limited to 8 participants per series, and also includes tools you can use on your own. This option is more affordable for those on a more limited budget, and typically takes place on Saturday afternoons unless there is enough demand for another time slot.

If you are unsure if this program might benefit you, ask yourself these questions, and if you come up with any answer besides “nothing”, you may be holding yourself back due to a lack of confidence:

• What would you be doing differently in your career if you knew you were good enough, smart enough, and capable enough to take risks, to try new strategies, or to go for higher positions?

• What would be different in your relationships, with romantic partners, friends, and even acquaintances, if you loved yourself enough to focus on what you both enjoy doing or discussing without needing validation or worrying if others think you are good enough in some way?

• What personal goals would you pursue or what new things will you allow yourself to try or learn, if you believed you could do what you set out to do, and understood fully that making beginner mistakes is an important part of the process and has no impact on your self-worth, even if you have to “fail” over and over again along the way?

If any of these questions stirred something in you, a part of you that knows you could allow yourself to do more, be more visible, and connect more fully with others, then you may benefit from this program. Contact me here for more information, for a free consultation to see if this program is a good fit for your needs, or to reserve a spot in the next group session.