Mindset for Success

If you can change your mindset, you can change your life. Our unconscious patterns, including the way we think, feel, and process information moment to moment, can affect our actions and the decisions we make every single day. Over time, these actions and decisions add up to create our lives: our careers, our finances, our relationships, the areas of our lives where we feel fulfilled or frustrated.   

Given that mindset has such incredible influence on our lives, I’d like share 3 key mindset shifts that come up often when I am working to help empower my clients to achieve their goals. Shifting these for yourself will put you on the fast track to create positive change in your life.  

  1. Believe in your own ability to change: both yourself and your circumstances. Many people who feel stuck have given up on the possibility that things can be different, so they’re not trying new ways to improve themselves or their situation. There are always options for change if you are open to seeing them. If one way isn’t working, you can recognize that as feedback rather than a final result, and keep exploring different approaches until something does work. Even at the level of your neurons, you never lose the ability to change.
  2. Focus on what you want, instead of what you don’t want. For example, if someone constantly focuses on NOT failing, then they are still actually focused on failing. In order to think about not doing something, you have to create an imagine of that very thing, which keeps it present in your mind. Notice how different it feels to imagine what success looks like for you instead. Thinking about the direction you want to go helps you get there, while thinking about what you want to avoid will keep you stuck there. 
  3. Stop allowing other people to set your limits and value. All of us had parents, teachers, or other well meaning people that made statements about us that stuck, about who we are and what we are and are not capable of. As children, we didn’t have the ability to tell the difference between the truth and a strongly stated opinion from an authority figure, and these statements can have a lasting effect on us. Many of my clients discover as we dig into the thought patterns around their issues that they are still holding on to disempowering comments from childhood. When you notice those thoughts, particularly in a moment when you’re facing something you struggle with, ask yourself who is saying that about you? Often once you realize that it’s not really your own thought, but something you adopted from someone else, you will no longer allow that thought to affect you in the same way.  

Recognizing these 3 limiting mindsets is the first step and people can often make these shifts on their own once they are aware of them. However, for someone who feels stuck, or has trouble finding and changing their disempowering thought patterns, or who just wants to make the change process faster and easier, hypnosis can be a very efficient and effective tool to shift from mindsets that hold you back, to ones that empower you to move forward in life. If you could benefit from help in this area, please get in touch, I would love to help.